Ini kalo ngga salah postingan pertama di tahun 2013, penghujung
2013 malah. Sebentar lagi sudah mau tahun 2014, ngga terasa waktu lalat-lalat
(time flies). Iya garing. Haha.
Anyway, ini juga pertama kali nge-post via HP. Emg bener kata pak
Arief Yahya (Dirut Telkom), people's behavior tends to use 3rd screen nowadays. 1st is
television, 2nd is PC/laptop and 3rd is the 4 to 7 inches screen thing that you
hold right now.
Mau mencoba merangkum beberapa hal yg terjadi sama gue belakangan
ini, semoga masih keinget, nah waktu itu sempet mikir ada ide gini :
Coba deh lihat FB, Twitter, Instagram, Path dan lainnya jauh ke
belakang. Terus liat deh beberapa post/foto yg lo post terus review dah. Pasti ada yg
bagus, berkesan, sedih atau galau (I know that word's lame), senang, norak dll. Buat apa?? Ya iseng aja
sih atau ya buat introspeksi aja. Udah mau 2014 men.
Nih punya gue :
PS : Pas gue cek, ternyata gue udah jarang nge-tweet di 2013, apalagi Facebook,
Instagram cuman sekali apa 2x gitu, hahaha. Gue cek Path dulu ya.
Nah ada nih beberapa dari Path :
Agustus 2012
Gulai Tikungan
Setelah jadi orang kantoran, haha ini tempat yang lumayan sering gue datengin sama temen2 baru kantor. Lokasinya di Bulungan deket patung bentuk tangan, deket Ayam Gantari, seberang Sevel dan Aksara.
Seporsi cuma 8000an kalo ga salah. But trust me one is never
Dari Gultik ini lah gue nemu temen2 deket baru dan jd temen
baik yang kemana2 bareng sampe sekarang. Fuad Kumis sm Wiendy Montok.
Oktober 2012
Braga Permai Restaurant
Braga Permai ini salah satu restoran favorit gue pas akhir2
penghujung kuliah. Dari dulu sering lewat sini tp baru nyadar kalo ada restoran
bagus di sini. Tempatnya lumayan fancy dan themenya oldie2, terlihat mahal
padahal harga lumayan bersahabat dan porsinya banyak.
Kalo ke Bandung pasti gue nyempetin ke sini. Kalo ga salah juga
tiap Rabu ada live music gitu, Swing lagi, gimana ngga tambah betah.
Menu andalan gue di sini Spaghetti Aglio Olio, cuma 20 ribu kalo
ga salah.
The Adams - Hanya Kau
Sekarang lg ngga megang gitar tapi kayamya gue afal chordnya deh. Nih kalo ada yg suka juga :
Intro : Em7, CM7, Am7, D7
Verse : Bm7, Em7, Am7, D7
Chorus : GM, CM7, Bm7, D7, G7, CM7, C7
Januari 2013
Februari 2013
SPPD (jauh) pertama + Ketemuan sama Iyan.
SPPD (Surat Perintah Perjalanan Dinas) pertama yang jauh, biasanya cuma Bandung & Bogor (ngga keitung, hehe.)
Dinas ke Bali 4 hari kalo ngga salah, hari pertama kerja, hari
kedua kerja, hari ketiga ketemu Iyan, hari keempat maen lagi.
The most important thing is that I met Iyan, one of my old Kosan
friend when in college.
He had been working there for like 3 or 4 months but he
didn’t know the cool places to hang in Bali. He didn’t even remember the
streets. What a waste bro! haha.
So we decided
to turn around and around the city like we used to do back there. In 2009 and
2010 we had this road trip from Bandung to Bali. There were two different parties
in 2009 and 2010, but for me and Iyan and Dito and Namek we went both at 2009
and 2010 trips.
Back to the story, me and Iyan started the city tour at 10PM after
had dinner at Warung Mbok Limbok at Kuta. Continued to Legian, Poppies Lane
where we slept back there, Bounty where we had a little something fun, around
again, again, then we stopped back again at Kuta Beach, went near the lip of
the sea, sat down, had a light drink, watching the night sea waves, talked,
talked, complaining lifes, bosses, works, laughed, laughed, oh how we missed
the old time.
There was quite a moment for me.
Thanks God for sending me those wonderful friends. We really had a
great time. We did.
Cc: Iyan, Dito, Namek, Deni, Mango, Aga, Bibiw, Beno.
I wonder when we’ll gonna have a trip together again?
Maret 2013
Mocca Reunion
Lagu-lagu Mocca ini sangat berhawa Bandung menurut gue, tiap
denger Mocca selalu inget Bandung. College time all over again.
Mei 2013
Sondre Lerche
Ngapain ya ngepost kaya gini? Haha, juvenile bgt. Maksudnya iseng-iseng,
but now when I read again it looks pretty pervy. Hahaha. There won’t be a post
like this next year.
April 2013
I always like how those mob and classic looks. In the mean time, the style was hip again. So am I a hipster? Well, I don’t care, I really like my hair’s being slicked back.
Dibeliin deh pomade local sama bokap, baunya jadul bgt, untungnya sekarang gampang dapetin pomade2 impor kayak : Murrays, Suavecito, Cock Grease, Schmiere dll.
Juni 2013
One of my best buddies at work. He is a super kind guy, came from
Kendal. I posted a fun moment of him when he had his first Car Free Day in
Minjem sepeda temen kantor, sepedaan lah dari Pancoran, baru sampe
Kuningan udah agak capek, minta foto, abis foto jalan lagi bentar, ga kuat,
tepar, then he vomited. Tetep semangat ya Bromet menaklukan Jakarta.
Agustus 2013
Out of nowhere, temen-temen kantor pada mainan Tamiya lagi. Jadi keinget dulu setiap abis dapet angpao lebaran selalu diabisin buat beli Tamiya plus spare partnya. Tapi sekarang gila2an harganya, dulu Cuma 50 ribu sekarang 250 ribu.
Out of nowhere, temen-temen kantor pada mainan Tamiya lagi. Jadi keinget dulu setiap abis dapet angpao lebaran selalu diabisin buat beli Tamiya plus spare partnya. Tapi sekarang gila2an harganya, dulu Cuma 50 ribu sekarang 250 ribu.
This is really the 90’s boys joy.
Siapa coba yang ngga main Tamiya dulu pas kecil? Hehehe.
Siapa coba yang ngga main Tamiya dulu pas kecil? Hehehe.
September 2013
Bareng sama Asti, Kumis, Montok kita trip semi backpacker ke SG. It was really fun, we spent 4 days there, I think I have to post another separate post for this trip for the detailed stuffs and so.
Bareng sama Asti, Kumis, Montok kita trip semi backpacker ke SG. It was really fun, we spent 4 days there, I think I have to post another separate post for this trip for the detailed stuffs and so.
November 2013
This year I happened to met with 4
girls, and always end up with the same story ending : anywhere far from those Katherine Heigl movies. Haha.
First, with Tango at the early year.
Some internship guy at work set me up with her. She’s super kind, like really
kind, but we share the different faiths.
Second, with Charlie. We met at the
food court, asked her number, texting, etc, etc, done. She's a beauty but taken. Haha. Typical.
Third, with Yankee. We met at the the
broken bus at the way home. Had a little chat, texting, texting, she just broke
up back then. Pretty and kind but again we share the different faiths.
Fourth, with Golf. One of my best friend at work set us up, I think this one is the kindest. But… Well let’s say she’s
too kind for me.
Last, with Zulu. This one and only that I like.
We met on the bus. It was Monday and the traffic was like you know, Monday. The traffic was jammed, the bus isn’t ACed, so it was pretty hot back there. She sat near the window and tried to open the window but it got stucked and she gave up.
Trying to be a gentleman I helped her to open the window. But then shamefully, the window was really hard and stucked. Hahaha, failure gentleman. Trying to save my face, I call the conductor (is it right? I mean kenek, :p) and asked him to open the window for her. Succeed.
I tried to break the ice, failed. 2nd try, failed, 3rd try, awkward, I decided to be silent. Then, when she had her stop, I also took a stop even it wasn’t mine, run into her, wishing that she’s gonna be cool, then 1, 2 and...
“Hey sorry,
I didn’t me to interrupt you, but umm.. is there any way that I could know your
name? Sorry again if I make you uncomfortable.”
sorry I do surprised, Haha. Okay. Zulu.”
Zulu, mine is Mukti, so where are you headed to?”
heading to my home, just came back from my internship, you? Are you taking
Transjakarta too?”
“Oh I see.
Nope. I’m taking another bus. Well, I shouldn’t take another of your time. So..
umm.. Can I have your number?”
is Line ID okay?”
“Well, that
could work.”
“It’s “Zuluuu”,
with triple U at the back.”
“Got it,
thanks and take care Zulu.”
Texting, texting, being igonored, being replied, good mood, plain mood, on and off, etc, etc, etc…
And finally last month I asked her to
meet up, and she said okay.
This is first me for me, like there’s
a random girl who suddenly checks all of my list. pretty, cute, well shaped,
not a clubber, doesn’t smoke, smart, shalat!, kind, humble, good listener and talker. But, I just don’t know her status. If she’s
taken or not, well I better not to expect anything.
We met again for the 2nd time, we had dinner.
Then I have to go to Aceh for like 2
weeks, oh this work stuffs really keeps me up all day. I don’t know if I’m gonna
ask her out again or not when I come back. But like I said earlier, this one
and only, I like her and this could be trouble for me. It’s been a long time
since the last time I like someone. Hahahaha.
Oktober - December 2013
Serambi Makkah
Dispenda Aceh ngebuka tender project
Samsat Online Aceh, kegiatannya meng-online-kan Samsat2 di Aceh supaya
pembayarannya bisa online dan bisa lewat Bank. Due date 80 hari. Gue
dipercayakan untuk jadi project manager. This is my very first project.
Visit ke Aceh udah 4 kali karena
project ini. Kali ini yang ke empat, pas gue nulis post ini lagi di Aceh. Insha
Allah Jumat depan, pekerjaan selesai dan sepertinya tinggal sedikit issue2nya.
Bismillah saja, semoga gue bisa pulang bawa BAST. Amin.
Sembari kerja, ada juga jalan-jalanya,
biarpun super bosen karena visit yg ke 4 ini totally alone, sendirian blas. 2
minggu kerja sampe Maghrib pulang ke hotel sendiri dan di sini bisa dibilang ga
ada hiburan. Luckily, I make some friends here dan bisa ketemu sama keluarga yg
di sini. Oiya, nyokap gue orang Aceh, jadi ya ada beberapa keluarga di sini.
Berikut saya sampaikan beberapa foto
tempat-tempat di Aceh, di sini juga makanannya enak-enak lho.
Wish me luck friends. I hope it turned out to be a good year for us. It’s early but Merry Christmas and happy New Year guys.
I hope the 2014 gonna offers us a wider curve of smile, a wiser decision to step forward, a sweetener supports from our surrounding and a healthier body and mind to complete the 2014 challenges.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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